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Dr Yaugen Ryzhykau







 Holds two MSc in PSF Organic Chemistry and Technology and NBC reconnaissance/PC methods of analysis; PhD/DScTech in weapons systems optimization and QC; EU CBRN CoE Project 65 Manager “Strengthening chemical and biological waste management in Central Asia countries and Mongolia for improved security and safety risk mitigation”; Director of CBRN Protection TCT BV. Almost 45 years practical experience across all aspects of WMD and CBRN threats mitigation issues in R&D area; experience in scientific and National, European and International technical projects management, operations planning and results evaluation. He also as many years involvement in arranging professional training and exercises, lecturing and consulting in area of CBRN tasks, CBRN Safety/Security, Toxic waste and CW destruction technologies, Anti-terror, WMD non-proliferation, and the investigation of CBRN materials illegal use. A qualified expert for UN Secretary-General’s Mechanism for Investigation of Alleged Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons (UNSGM).

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