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Mr. Roland Stockton







Described by his peers as a people person with good interpersonal skills, the ability to think on his feet, and the determination and tenacity to not only achieve the required goals but to do so to an exacting and professional standard. Diverse backgrounds spread over 50 years of employment accumulated a wide range of knowledge and skills in both theoretical and practical areas ranging from planning, supporting and recovery of teams deployed globally; teaching and training students be it preventive maintenance to advanced English, active listening to change management, crime scene management to leadership skills amongst others; carried out operations, missions, training, and teaching in over 37 countries.

Positions included Logistics Officer, Facilities Manager for a multifunctional complex, Chemical Weapons Munitions Specialist inspector, NBC Instructor and Cell Controller, CFE Treaty Inspector and Escort, Consultant. A former member of the International Secondments Team of the British Government’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office which included in the International Secondments Team/Stabilization Unit’s joint database for Deployable Civilian Experts.

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